I know that Jake has a really decent shot at beating this. So what is my problem? Well, one of my problems is that I read things on Facebook too much. There are a few pages that I have "liked" that pop up on my feed and they are doing an amazing job of raising awareness. So today one of them is about a teenage boy diagnosed with the same thing as Jake. I think, "Oh, good this will be nice to read." I get to the end of the paragraph and the story concludes with funeral arrangements, or he got his wings, or he lost his fight. These stories are posted daily...and it hurts. I don't even know these people but it hurts to read it. That's why I always have it in the back of my mind that our son could succumb to the same evil. I pray and I hope and I wish constantly that this will not be the case. I remain positive and it's so hard to describe to someone who hasn't had a relative with cancer. But, believe me, it is just so depressing, all the time. From what I have found from other parent's experiences is that the fear and anxiety is always there, but once you get to the 5 year mark you can start to breath a little easier.
I had a break down last week because I felt inadequate compared to my husband. Trust me, he assures me otherwise. He has yet to blog about it, but he did an amazing job raising money and awareness for both a St. Baldrick's event and The Rally Foundation, and ran his first half marathon besides. Proud doesn't begin to describe how we all feel. I feel like a terrible person putting this out in the open, but I felt like I'm not doing enough and I let my insecurities overshadow the good Randy is doing. (Sorry Randy) This isn't about me, but as a Mom you want to fix everything for your children and I can't fix this for him. All I can do is walk to path with him and help the best I can. Sometimes that translates to me feeling helpless. I have found that all of my emotions are heightened, including the ones I'm told are ridiculous. I guess it was time for my biweekly emotional breakdown. ;)
Logistics and treatment-wise, this is what we have coming up: Jake will have two 5-day treatments in a row (admit on 3/28 and 4/11) and then two 2-day treatments in a row (admit on 4/25 and 5/9) provided there are no setbacks. He will then resume alternating between 5 and 2 day treatments until he has completed all 17. Let the countdown begin!
Here is Randy's speech from the Rally Foundation's pasta dinner:
Great speech, Randy! And Kait a big hug! {{{hug}}} :) ~ Melissa DeMunck