Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Graduation...and one more hurdle

Today was a great day for Jake as he got to graduate from preschool at Monroe High School as part of the Little Learners program.  From day one he has loved going and meeting new friends, and the students that teach have been absolutely fantastic.  We learned tonight just how bright our future is with these high school students that plan on being educators, they are truly special for all that they do.  The entire program is lead by Lisa Sizemore, who we could fill the blog with adjectives describing how wonderful she has been to our son and our family from the very beginning.  The entire program has gone out of its way to accommodate Jake's condition and have been so supportive in including him in every activity possible.

Tonight he received his diploma after a very cool presentation full of music and a video recapping the year with the Little Learners.  It would be nice to say it was all smiles, but there were some emotional parts when we saw Jake's pictures from early in the school year.  He was so innocent and healthy, having no clue of the monster that lurked in the shadows.  It was also an emotional moment when he got his diploma.  One of his favorite students Zach pushed him across the stage to a great round of applause from the audience.  Anyways it was a great night full of laughs, playing, food, and getting to be around the kids that have been so kind to our little man this year.  Mrs. Sizemore has a great group of students and we are so thankful Jake was able to be a part of the program.

Tomorrow is really the last real unknown or hurdle we will face before the final chapter.  We will meet with the talented Dr. Fletcher to determine how well Jake's leg has healed and if he is ready to start with some light physical therapy and have his cast taken off.  We hope that everything is healing well, as Jake has said little to nothing since the first two weeks after the surgery.  Hopefully the news is good and we can take one more step towards our little fighter going back to being a little boy again.

After the results tomorrow night we'll post another update and let everyone know what Jake's next steps are.


  1. I will be praying for good news!

  2. I too am praying for good news! Jake looks awesome in his little cap and gown. I can imagine him in about 13 years wearing his HS cap and gown and grinning just as big! :) Such a sweet boy!
