Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pressing on

Kait:  We are working hard to keep Jake hydrated and eating after his 11th treatment last week.  He went in last Thursday for his day 8 vincristine (chemo drug) push and he did okay.  He was very nervous about this appointment and therefore there was a bit more crying than usual.  Since then he has complained of some throat pain and "fuzziness" in his arms and hands, and has had many many bouts with rage.  The fuzziness is neuropathy caused by the vincristine and will hopefully go away once chemo is over.  In the meantime it is hard to hear him cry because he can't hold his spoon or play Mario Cart without his hands hurting.  He has had 5 physical therapy visits so far and is doing great with it.  He is scheduled for his 12th chemo treatment, which is 5 days inpatient on 5/31/13.  During that stay he will have x-rays of his leg as well as a chest CT scan which I'm told is routine and not something to worry about.  It's funny though because as soon as they say "don't worry" the scanxiety kicks in.  There shouldn't be anything to worry about but it's almost impossible not to worry.  Speaking of worry, we took Jake's sister Aubrey for her 15 month check up and found that she has a heart murmur.  Her pediatrician referred us to a pediatric cardiologist to have it checked out.  Better safe than sorry is our motto!  She doesn't think it is something to worry about (there's that word again!) so we're trying hard not to. 
Jake's brother, Ethan, had a fantastic 6th birthday last weekend and we hope to make Jake's upcoming 4th birthday on June 9th just as wonderful.  Here is Jake's 1st year video and if you didn't already know, he was a big baby.  12lbs, 6.9oz, 22.5 inches
As of 5/26/13:
11 rounds of inpatient chemotherapy, 4 ER admits for chemo related illness, 3 surgeries (biopsy, port placement/bone marrow aspiration/radical resection of the tibia), 2 EKGs, 3 echocardiograms, 5 x-rays, 3 blood transfusions, an MRI, and 2 CT/PET scans.  You have been sedated 3 times and put under general anesthesia 3 times.  Your port has been accessed 24 times


  1. Kait ive never met you but it takes strong people to go threw the things that your family is enduring
    threw jake's cancer and now your baby girl aubrey has a heart murmur its sad that these things happen to such little beautiful creatures i think back to when my son would have little colds and infections and he only wanted me and to just hold him i cant imagine him getting cancer or having a heart murmur My Heart Goes out to You Randy And Kait my prayers go out to you guys Keep Strong

    1. Thank you Apollo! I have heard only good things about you from Randy and I hope we'll get to meet someday soon :)

  2. what a beautiful baby!! and so BIG!! golly! You would never know it looking at him now! (and I mean that as a 4yo, not as someone fighting cancer):) ~ Melissa
